Not to say that he can't make a good speaker, it's just that so can every other decent brand. What's more important than what Elac fans may have to say is, how will a particular speaker sound on YOUR gear.
I just finished demoing the Totem Dreamcatcher and Tannoy Revolution DC4. Both have 4" drivers in compact cabinets, but each one has a completely different approach to the end result. Tested with an HK PM625 employing its A/B speaker switch, the Tannoys sounded colored on some songs and quite good on others from the same album(cd). The Dreamcatchers elevated the vocals better at times, and had superior bass.
But when I connect the speakers to a Nad C326BEE, the Tannoys are always the winner because of the Nad house sound. Bottom line, you can't judge what someone may be saying about the Elac B5/B6 because A) one has no idea what a given poster may prefer, and B) his gear/cables most likely has a completely different sound than your system.
Bottom line #2, any speaker with such a low price as the B5/B6 is going to have many compromises over a more expensive speaker. The question is, can you live with the weaknesses or not.