My Mark Levinson system help

I own a 335 a 38 a theta miles & a pair of martin logan sl3s. I want to buy the 39 would my system sound better running the 39 direct into the 335. Or should I keep the 38 with the 39. Email me with any input thanks I think the 39 direct is the way to go..
I will thank everyone once again. as far as me being levinson minded as someone put it. well maybe its true but remember I have been through all the gear these people are claiming to be better. so that makes me wrong. no. I unlike other people finally found equipment that Iam happy with. MY QUESTION WAS KEEP THE 38 WITH THE 39 OR DUMP IT. DOES IT SOUND BETTER DIRECT.? And I have heard the 39 in the store and it was far from uninvolving. Thanks to all the good advice.
I have heard extensively the 39 with 334 and the 380 + 380S. The speakers were Audio Physic Avanti 3, cables Nordost SPM.

The combination 39/334 was not much different than 39/380/334. They were pretty much the same, with a minor soundstage advantage on the seperates side, which may be caused by the cables. The separates with the 380S were clearly better. Either way, it was an excellent combination.

I ended-up buying the Meridian 805-24 and the 380S with the left-over money, rather than the 380. I thought the combination was more transparent and musical.

The bottom line is that if you only listen to cd, 39 into 335 is very hard to beat and at a lower cost. Buy some cd's with the change.

I hope it helped.

Re-viving an older thread here;

Are you guys still using ML gear? Have you upgraded/updated to the newer ML offerings?

sine we are talking about Mark Levinson gears.
I would like to know if ML-3 still worth to buy. ?
( I know his amp is almost 40 year old ). But I like older ML sounds.. please adviseĀ 

