Having read this entire thread as well as a somewhat similar thread on What's Best Forum I suspect most of us music lovers just want to get some good practical results from our efforts at racking our equipment.
Regardless of the method used. and I suspect different methods can result in improvement of sound, I do think an overall consistent approach for each system has more merit than a hodgepodge method.
I use the Star Sound platforms under my speakers and tube mono blocks to good effect. Across the room the on side wall area my components reside on a DIY rack of 3 3/4 in thick cutting boards with brass threaded rod through to the floor, resting on Herbies isolation footers. Addition of the footers after having acorn nuts ending the brass rods onto the floor increased resolution. The Herbies footers also erased the tendency of the turntable to howl at increased volumes. I would love to try a Star Sound rack for my components but that's not in the budget presently.
Carry on with your research, guys. All in all it's pretty interesting stuff. The Gary Koh discussion from What's Best Forum on isolation/decoupling focuses primarily on speakers but is in depth and informative. It introduces the makeup of the floor as a factor and ends up somewhat inconclusive.
Regardless of the method used. and I suspect different methods can result in improvement of sound, I do think an overall consistent approach for each system has more merit than a hodgepodge method.
I use the Star Sound platforms under my speakers and tube mono blocks to good effect. Across the room the on side wall area my components reside on a DIY rack of 3 3/4 in thick cutting boards with brass threaded rod through to the floor, resting on Herbies isolation footers. Addition of the footers after having acorn nuts ending the brass rods onto the floor increased resolution. The Herbies footers also erased the tendency of the turntable to howl at increased volumes. I would love to try a Star Sound rack for my components but that's not in the budget presently.
Carry on with your research, guys. All in all it's pretty interesting stuff. The Gary Koh discussion from What's Best Forum on isolation/decoupling focuses primarily on speakers but is in depth and informative. It introduces the makeup of the floor as a factor and ends up somewhat inconclusive.