Dear @czarivey : Agree with.
If for example an active gain PS was designed for cartridges over 0.3mv and has no MM stage and we want to listen a 0.20 mv cartridge then we need to change, either, the PS or the cartridge with higher output level.
As I posted, with LOMC cartridges what we always need is to match Phono Stage gain not impedances.
I think that existed and exist a misunderstood ( including me. ) not only on SUTs but in the overall subject.
Many vintage SUTs and even today ones comes with the possibility to choose different " load impedance " ( normally a selector switch: 3 ohms and 40 ohms or 20 ohms or whatever. ) and where the selected " impedance " has different gain( 34 db, 26 db or 20 db or whatever. ). Other SUTs only said: 3 ohms to 20 ohms.
ALL those created the misunderstood because in a SUT we don't have to match the cartridge impedance with the SUT impedance that as a fact does not exist as we could think.
Again, only match gain with the phono stage.
Phono stages that comes with a selctor switch for MC load impedance ( normally at th first input stage. ) or/and different gain levels goes against the quality performance level of the cartridge signal: it performs a signal degradation.
Overall interaction of all these and the PS design generates several anomalies/distortions even could affect the critical/delicate equilibrium in the passive RIAA eq. frequency response deviation on both channels and certainly we can hear it.
@thuchan posted: """ Good systems deserve using SUTs! """
i disagree with. What we need for LOMC cartridge is way better active high gain Phonolinepreamp designs and that's all. I think this is still the real challenge for all designers.
Regards and enjoy the music,
If for example an active gain PS was designed for cartridges over 0.3mv and has no MM stage and we want to listen a 0.20 mv cartridge then we need to change, either, the PS or the cartridge with higher output level.
As I posted, with LOMC cartridges what we always need is to match Phono Stage gain not impedances.
I think that existed and exist a misunderstood ( including me. ) not only on SUTs but in the overall subject.
Many vintage SUTs and even today ones comes with the possibility to choose different " load impedance " ( normally a selector switch: 3 ohms and 40 ohms or 20 ohms or whatever. ) and where the selected " impedance " has different gain( 34 db, 26 db or 20 db or whatever. ). Other SUTs only said: 3 ohms to 20 ohms.
ALL those created the misunderstood because in a SUT we don't have to match the cartridge impedance with the SUT impedance that as a fact does not exist as we could think.
Again, only match gain with the phono stage.
Phono stages that comes with a selctor switch for MC load impedance ( normally at th first input stage. ) or/and different gain levels goes against the quality performance level of the cartridge signal: it performs a signal degradation.
Overall interaction of all these and the PS design generates several anomalies/distortions even could affect the critical/delicate equilibrium in the passive RIAA eq. frequency response deviation on both channels and certainly we can hear it.
@thuchan posted: """ Good systems deserve using SUTs! """
i disagree with. What we need for LOMC cartridge is way better active high gain Phonolinepreamp designs and that's all. I think this is still the real challenge for all designers.
Regards and enjoy the music,