Without betraying proprietary information, let me note that the More Than a Fuse dramatically increases the impedance from 0.2 ohms to 10 ohms at 10 MHz, thus increasing high frequency noise-rejection fifty fold over that of a conventional fuse.While I don’t doubt that the Audio Horizons dealer twosome mentioned above are great people, and for all I know the AH fuses may be the greatest such product ever, I would hope that no one here will take this technical rationale to be anything more than ad copy.
I’ll spare everyone a lengthy discourse on the subject, as well as saving myself a lot of time, but suffice it to say that if the AH fuse provides better sonics in a given application than some other fuse, it will not be because its impedance is 10 ohms at 10 MHz. Also, a far more effective approach to attenuating 10 MHz noise, as well as noise at other similarly high frequencies, would be to put a suitably chosen ferrite clamp costing a few dollars around the power cord, near the IEC connector on the component.
And because the Platinum Reference “More Than a Fuse” also reduces ultra high frequency noise by up to 46 dB or more, a ratio 200 times that of a typical fuse, high frequency harmonic texture is heard against a dead quiet background....46 db corresponds to a voltage ratio of 200x, so it follows from this statement that a "typical fuse" provides no attenuation of high frequency noise. I don’t doubt the correctness of that implication.
-- Al