Speakers for Bryston

Suggestions for speakers that mate well with Bryston electronics?

Running Bryston BCD-1 CDP, BDA-1 DAC, BP25 pre, and 4BSST amp.

I tend to listen to jazz, classical, vocal and instrumental music.. and, of course, a smattering of everything else! I don't usually listen at loud volumes.

Thanks in advance!
I have a 4BSST Bryston...I find it to be an essentially neutral amp. It definitely is not warm sounding. And the treble is a touch high energy. But I like a lot of detail and life in the upper octaves. That is my personal taste.
i have cary tube pre and solid state amp with bryston speakers!!! i have not got to there amps yet but there speakers are like WOW!! and cheap,,,i highly recommend  them to everyone!! they are not pretty boy speakers for sure,but can they sing with punch and as clear as a bell!! i may just try there amps ,,there speakers are awesome , i was going to go with merlins, or pmc's but will get model t's brystons for my big room with my onkyo  M-510 and cary dac, pre, combo!!
I have a pair of Bryston 7bsst2 mono amps matched with a Wyred 4 sound STE preamp, and a pair of PMC 26s. The sound is unbelievable. Bryston is one of the best amplifiers you can buy. I have tried all most every amp out there. I always return to Bryston.