David, Oregonpapa, et al,
I'm back with an update now that my SR Black fuse is fully burned-in. I'm using the Black fuse in a high power SS amp and a Red fuse in an ARC CDP.
First the good; some of you have used the term transformational to describe the effect on sonics and I agree. The soundstage has expanded in width and height, imaging is deep and precise, and a very noticeable lowering of the noise floor.
But and this is a BIG but...my system has gone from smooth, natural sounding digital to hyper-detailed. Let me emphasize that there is no harshness or glare, in fact CD's sound smooth, but music no longer provides an emotional engagement. This is the same effect I experienced when I auditioned the SR Black UEF PC; too much detail from individual instruments in orchestral music. The music does not sound cohesive.
(I've even checked speaker phase and polarity).
My CDP is naturally detailed (ARC CD3 mk II) and my speakers are Gallos with their very resolving tweeter.
So what to do...would a SR Red fuse be a better fit for my system?
BTW, when using the SR Black, music was sounding very two dimensional. After reversing the fuse in the holder, the reward was a glorious soundstage of music.