Conrad Johnson--Best used Model

I just purchased a Pass Labs XA 30.5 & want to pair with a CJ preamp

I'm looking for experience on which model to by used or new for $1-3 k

I would love the Lush house sound with details and soundstage without being plodding


GO PACKERS! (Shareholder) 

From the cj older house sound the 17 and 16 are both very nice the 16 a bit more detailed. Experienced both pre-amps driving cj tube and ss amps.  I now use pass xa100.5's mated with a pass xp-20 and it is a very good match as you might expect.
Oh No:

A Shareholder!!!!!   YOUR THE WORST!   Lol
Darn dyed in wool, Cheesehead


Thanks for repsonse.

1st question: Why the switch at preamp?

2nd question: Is the CJ sound that much different than Pass?  
What are the house sound differences?

3rd question: 
What are the system components you are using?

Last question: 
Why is Kramer not in Canton yet?


Been one my whole life !

1) I moved away from cj separates to downsize to a Cary Integrated which was fine for awhile but I kept having issues with power tubes. I decided to try some Pass components and that is where I am today. Also speaker changes through the years led to some of the changes in amplification.
2) The 90's cj pre-amps possessed a warm and smoothness that to me was very nice especially the 16 series II as it also had some nice detail (wished I would have kept that pre-amp).
The newer cj amps are more analytical less lush but are very nice sounding. I would not hesitate to go with cj again as I found their components very reliable and their customer service was top notch. The pass sound is very nice as well; detailed and smooth with very good bass control.
3) VPI TT, Herrron VTPH-2 phono-stage, heavily modded Sony SCD-1 with Focal Be monitors. 

I am not quite sure buying a  used CJ pre-amp is a worth even a mint one.  What are you really getting for your money?? Most CJ pre-amps and line stages have no remote, headphone jack ( or amp)  and no phono stage.   Sure, if you want the purest sound, a no-feature line stage "may' be great..  Of the above features, the headphone feature may be most optional.. 

However, it you are still doing analog and a have quality set-up, you have to purchase an outboard phono stage which could run as much as $500 possibly more. (Unless you can find a used mint Musical Surrounding Phonnom  II which can be had for about $350. Also an additional IC must be purchased that is almost audiophile level. 

The volume control I always considered as a type of tone control which allows the listener to adjust levels incrementally until you have reached a volume compatible with the dynamics of the recording  Therefore, it is easier and more enjoyable to do this from your listening position than getting up every 5-10 minutes to adjust volume as you from track to track on a CD or LP

 I had a CJ PV-8  in 1988, and in retrospect, I was happy it had a MM phono stage; I took it for granted that it was more than adequate quality, and I played a 80% LP's in those days, and only 20% CD's  It sounded good, but I was somewhat uninformed about the differences in  sound quality between  phono stages.. That is my 2 cents.  Good Luck    

I had a PV-11 for several years.  It was a wonderful preamp, and had a wonderful MM phono stage.  I had C-J go over it and bring it up to original spec for $200(!).  Ultimately, I had to sell it because the balance control did not have enough range to deal with my room, source, and software channel imbalances (yes, I am obsessive about a well-centered soundstage).  Also, I wanted, and got, a preamp with a remote control.  But as far as sound quality goes, the PV-11 was a wonderful piece of kit.