Has anyone tried these stunning new CPT power cord?

   Considering the many, many brands of power cords I've tried in my very well accomplished high-end system, I have never been so impacted by these Core Power Technology power cords. Within a very short period(15-20) minutes my system literally came alive. Soundstage opened wider and deeper. The background became dead silent, space between instruments and stage members were more focused and everything sounded cleaner and musical than ever. My highs had a glorious crispness and symbols shimmered. Midrange through my 2" horn became more dynamic and punchy. My 15" bass driver tightened and dug low with great control. My Rel G1 which is a fabulous sub on its own but with a CPT 150 on it is another story. Running high pass from my sub to my Audiozen Noah amplifier, music depth is just stunning. Lower end bass is authoritative and clean with solid grip and impact. 
   My experience with these power cords is truly magical. The scary part of the above is I only have one 150 on my sub and one 300 from my wall to my 6 outlet bar. I still need 3 more to complete my system. I could just imagine the level after that...In closing, I cannot emphasize enough to try one of these in your system. I CANNOT and WIIL NOT take these out as they are that good. But hold your jaw, cuz what you've been listening to will just become real after Core Power Technologies. 

Cheers....and let the tapping begin.......


Over the years I have done several things that improved my system and these are the things that actually really worked;

Anti vibration stand and cones

Acoustic Revive RR-888

Acoustic Revive RCG-24 grounding conditioner

Shorting plugs in my integrated from Acoustic Revive

Lifting the speaker cables off the floor

Separating the RCA interconnects

Last but not least, CPT power cords

I believe all these pieces have lowered the noise floor without having any negative effects. I have A/B over 300 different cable models including 91 power cords. I really enjoy how live my system sounds with zero brightness. The system is very dynamic and the micro detail is right there which allows the emotion of the artist to come through on every song. I have tried removing some of the above pieces but something gets lost when I take even one unit out of the system.

I think there comes a point when a system gets real good and if you do make changes, be careful not to screw it up, that is where I am at. Will I change something over a period of time, sure but not this year.


Post removed 
For those of you interested in seeing what the updated cosmetic looks like - I've posted a nice picture in our photobucket. 

You can access it here...


Thanks as always,

Hello Mark,
I'm not sure about others, but the website you posted is not functioning correctly for me.