Is it extra gain or two matched cables or both that improve the sound ?

When I route the signal from phono to deck and then to integrated I get overall better fuller sound than when doing it normally from phono to integrated.
System: Nottingham Spacedeck/Spacearm/Goldring 1042 cartridge; Acoustech phono, Nakamichi 682ZX deck, Redgum 120 RGi integrated; Michael Green Revolution 80i speakers. Cables - Purist Audio; Colossus ferox from phono, Maximus ferox from deck, Colossus fluid to speakers.
I tried it all three ways - from phono to integrated with Colossus, from phono to integrated with Maximus, and from phono to deck with Colossus plus from deck to integrated with Maximus.
When I run it thru deck I do lose some resolution, especially in high frequences, compared to running directly with Colossus, but I gain more weight and better balance in sound. Now, Colossus is silver or almost entirely silver cable, Maximus is a mostly copper alloy.
The deck's output is set at or near max, I use input recording level as a volume control. Amp's volume control is set at 9, and I don't usually touch it - no need.
Grado has 6.5 mv output, Acoustech's gain is set at 46db, I think. No idea of the Redgum's preamp gain setting.
So, overall the best sound is achieved when running phono/Colossus/deck/Maximus chain. Second best - phono/Maximus. Third best - phono/Colossus.
It does appear that those excellent Purist cables compliment each other. I talked to Jim, Purist's designer, about the cables, and he said yeah, Colossus has higher resolution but Maximus gives richer sound.
But I think that may not be all, the deck does something too. And what if I don't have enough gain in the preamp section? I record to deck from time to time directly from phono with the Colossus, and the sound is superb for a cassette. Recorded with Colossus, played with Maximus.
What do you think?

I'm in the same situation.
I have an ability to switch my signal chain through Nakamichi RX202 tape deck. By engaging 'record' I can boost my preamp level by another 10dB.
I loose some transparency, but I gain weight. I mostly do that for parties.
I just switch tape/monitor depending on whether I am listening to a record or tape, of course. My Nak also has dual input control in addition to master control, so I can use it as a balance control, though the Redgum amp has dual volume control.
Thinking of possible upgrades, first I would probably replace the Colossus with the cable that has at least the same resolution and the weight of the Maximus. That would be older Purist Proteus or Dominus, or current Purist Poseidon, which is pure copper, or Aqueous, which is copper/silver/gold alloy. Next step would most likely be new integrated or possibly separates. But I am quite happy with how it is now. This Colossus ferox interconnect/Maximus ferox interconnect/Colossus fluid speaker cables chain is a great combination.
Replacing the phono with adjustable gain settings would make sense too, I guess. But this Acoustech is very good, I would have to go significantly higher to improve everything not just gain flexibility. I would think that the least expensive choice would be Sutherland 20/20 or whatever it is called. It's over $2k new, and try to find it used. Or tube phono, even higher cost.