I will try to explain each part.
S.A.P. creates so much more precision what is never possible with 'old school' audio.
The acoustic influences each set. Most sets are used in a living room. I have proven that the way I measure you get a much better timing in the low freq. Beside it is more controlled you will hear more layers.
The precision of a subwoofer reaches a new and much higher level of integration. When you play a cello you can feel the energy in the middle.
When we compare stereo with and without a subwoofer, the resulls are superior when we use a subwoofer. Without it we go to a lower level in sound.
The diversity in the middle freq. are much bigger. You can easily hear more different information in voices during listening.
You can hear the vibration in voices. When we auditioned the same music with the Pass Labs XP-20 and Audioresearch Ref 5SE, the diversity of the vibration was gone.
Even breathing and moving lips could be heard with the S.A.P. measuement. With highend pre amps these details were gone.
We were using one of the best cables in the world ( Audioquest Wel Signature latest version 2 sets and 4 pieces of Purist Audio Limited Edition powercables) for the different pre amps.
When you collect a system based on properties, you are able to use more different properties in each set. It make each set more complete and more attractive.
S.A.P. brings the physical appearance of voices and instruments to a much higher level of realism.
Each system I audition I can directly explain what is missing. Working by Tru-Fi makes it very easy to understand what is missing.
I use different songs to test each part of Tru-Fi. I use them to explain it to other people. You want to make it as easy as possible to understand it for each person.
When I ask people who work in audio for many years as I do the simple question?
Which properties do you take out and which do you put in when you change this speaker for this speaker?
They all gave the same answer: we don't know.
So I said: then you are not aware why the sound and stage is what we hear now?
They said: I think you are right.
So I said; it is not important if I am right, you need to understand that the way you build
an audio system is based on loose sand.
This way audio always will be a big guess. That is why al sets I audition are incomplete. They always miss different parts of Tru-Fi.