entry level bluray?

At a party last night my cousin asked me about bluray. I'm into two-channel audio and am patheticly ignorant in regard to video, but I told him I'd find out. Does bluray play "regular" DVD's? And I'm guessing he's interested in a reliable entry level player: Can you recommend some intro players? Two Questions.
Yes, they play regular DVDs and CDs. Some play SACD and DVD Audio as well as NetFlix, and other online services. Oppo does all well and plays back FLAC files through it's USB input.
The Oppo mentioned is indeed an excellent player and is highly recommended... That said, I would not in any way classify it as "entry-level." It actually is the best player on the market for relatively sane money, IMO.

If your friend is indeed looking for "entry level" and has HDMI inputs, then I would recommend something like the Panasonic BDT-110 which will give him most of the Internet goodies and Blu-ray playback quality the best players have, just no legacy multi-channel outputs and no SACD. It streets at about $125-$130 online, versus just under $500 for the admittedly excellent Oppo.

Just to clarify, I am not in any way saying the Oppo is not worth every cent of that price tag (or more)... just that it is in a completely different class than an entry-level unit like the 110, and your friend may not need that kind of build quality. If $500 is not an issue, then I say have at it. :-)

Ok, Dave. What is the purpose of the multi-channel outputs and the HDMI? Sorry to be so ignorant. I'm trying to catch up.
multi channel inputs are rca jacks for every channel or speaker in the
system. Older recievers that dont have HDMI at minimum need a player
with that style outputs to take advantage of latest surround sound
advances that bluray offers. HDMI takes care of this for you.....mind you
that a player needs an internal decoder to get the latest sound advances
when you go the multi channel route. In general SACD requires these
multi channel rca jacks with 1 exception being Oppo. Oppo as noted is
about as good as it gets for video...for music its an average unit but its
silly cheap for what you get.