Which Zu for you

After attending the Newport audio show and hearing the Druid V I decided that my next set of speakers would be some Zu's. Unfortunately, the Druid are way above my price point. I am interested in hearing from people who have heard the soul superfly and omen def mkii and why they preferred one or the other. Also, if they have heard a budget integrated amps that paired well those suggestions would also be welcomed. I have already received some great advice from Sean and 213cobra who suggested the Almarro a205 or marantz 2215/20/30 as budget options. 
Sorry didn't see the response till today.
The room is oblong like you see in the picture, the main wall is 40 ft. long and the depth is 25. So they are near field really since the couch is 6-8ft. away. Moderate amount of toe-in. 
I'll say that they do require a lot of break-in- or maybe I don't listen enough or loud enough:) Really it took about 6 months to a year but that was also swaps of components, cables etc as thing got better and better. So not exactly break in but more dial-in. That's probably normal and reflects my learning curve. 
The Almarro probably does run out of steam over 85-90db in the listening position. But that's pretty loud. About noon on the volume. I generally don't run them much louder than that. But i think that is more than loud enough generally, unless you are trying to impress someone else:)
I listen to a variety- mix of alt rock, rock, IDM, pop, electronica. About 60 percent Tidal and 40 percent vinyl. The RP3/10x5/schiit mani/ combo is pretty lively and competes very evenly with the digital stream. On digital I've been auditioning the Halide HD dac and the Schiit Bifrost multibit streaming Tidal hifi. different but both pretty engaging. Never bother with CD's or ripped stuff, I have a ton left over from the days and its all crap MP3. Probably will just trash can it. 
You said you really were interested in the Druid, the soul supreme is exactly the same drivers in a different cabinet. In a smaller room I think the souls might be better. The Druids being taller have a taller presentation, and perhaps a longer throw to the listening position is in order. I have a friend with the Druids which is how i got introduced to Zu in the first place. Also recco talking to the Zu folks on the phone and they will have good recommendations. 
Outright the best purchase i've made in music, i get delighted ever time I hear them. 

"I'll say that they do require a lot of break-in- or maybe I don't listen enough or loud enough:) Really it took about 6 months to a year but that was also swaps of components, cables etc as thing got better and better. So not exactly break in but more dial-in. That's probably normal and reflects my learning curve."

"Break-in" is the correct term. Most FRD (full range drivers) take a lot of break-in. . . more than what happens in the factory. It gets even longer if they are shipped in cold weather. Mine continued to evolve for almost a year without any tweaking in terms of cables, positioning, etc.
they are a lot better this year than when I got them. They were new in Sept 2014. 
Thanks Robert. It sounds like our listening habits are very similar and I would also be listening "near field" as our stereo is on the long wall of a 25'x15' or so living room so it's good to hear that the almarro is up to the job.  I thought of the almarro 318 but quickly dismissed it when I read it gets over 500F. That's too hot with a small child. Thanks again for your input.
Beautiful looking pair of honey walnut Superflys just went up on Zu's preloved site... that's a really good deal.