Phono/preamp/amp chain. One of them tube the others SS. Which one?

Perhaps any one would do if done right. What would be your preference, generally speaking? Let's assume MC cartridge. This move could be permanent or could be the first step on the way to full tube system. I would probably choose the phono.
Late to the party ... tube power amp (Prima Luna PL 5) ... SS preamp (Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24) ... SS phono preamp (Schitt Mani) ... Opera Platea Floorstanders.  I sometimes swap in Ascend Acoustic Sierra One monitors.  

For the longest time I used EL 34s and 6CA7s, which were great for CDs, but when I added a turntable I found myself wanting more bass, possibly oomph, and switched to KT90s.  

The turntable set-up is a Stanton ST 150 paired with a Sumiko Pearl cartridge.  My only gripe with the Stanton and it is an 'in my head' gripe is that the turntable's built in preamp hums at high volumes, which are way higher volumes than any level I would normally play at. 

I get just enough tube sound in this set-up.


Atma-Sphere MP3 or MP1 if you can swing it with a built in Phono--Upgrades to Vcap and Caddoc resistor package. This sort of setup tends to get people off the Merry-Go-Round. The Phono is dead quiet, the pre-amp is very musical and transparent. With Speed, Dynamics and a tonal balance to satisfy.
Well, it does appear that tube phono would be overall the best first move. In my particular case, I would go with only top level phono - Lamm, VAC, Atma-Sphere, CAT, maybe Herron etc. Worth the wait and patience. Then I would probably upgrade my integrated to one of the better integrateds, and then - separates, tube preamp and tube/ss/hybrid amp depending on speakers and the entire system. So, the path seems quite clear.
You could kill two birds with one stone as they say, and buy one full function tube preamp. I just saw a VAC Renaissance mk II with MC/MM phono stage just sold recently.
Maybe another full function VAC will come along, or a CAT, or maybe an Atma-Sphere or Doshi Alaap. 
Many very good full function preamps out there.
I would still have to get power amp at the same time - too much. Besides, I am a strong believer in separate phono stage.