What subwoofers keep up with Quad ESL 57 ?

What sub-woofers keep up with Quad ESL 57?

The more research I do the more options present themselves until I am mind boggled into fried brains. Each choice suggested opens 3 or 4 more on and on until I felt tummy resistance.

Yes price is an object but more so, are there subs that seamlessly, add rather than detract from the Quad ESL 57? are any fast enough to make a pleasing experience with Oran music or Jazz or wide sound-stage well recorded music.

I use Quad 909 Amp and the Quad 99 Preamp with the ESL 57.

One that sounded very good but am not sure if it will work with the quads is:

Try an ATC C4 sub woofer. The ATC's were originally designed to get the low distortion and exceptional quality sound of the Quad 57 midrange but at much much higher SPL's and without the distortion inherent in other conventional designs.

ATC sub woofers are of the type of design that you do not notice that they are there - very tight and fast.
My friend runs a ZU sub and its super fast....it mates great with his dual concen mains that need a really fast sub.