Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
^I can't help you with that.
 Yes, some of the Coda guys came from Threshold, and the some of the similarities are quite obvious.
I was tortured by NY/NJ traffic to get to the place where the speakers were, but that's typical. 

Physically speaking they were as expected for their age with no deal-killer imperfections to be concerned about. We listened through an amp with a similar power rating to my current one, 300 watts per channel.  

The biggest difference I found was in the mids and highs which were different, not necessarily better nor inferior to my 3.5's.  No mistaking they were Thiel; if my 3.5's were ailing or unrepairable I would have scoffed them up immediately. I could not justify replacing my 3.5's for what I can at best describe as a nuanced or subtle improvement. The bass was equally good, albeit not as deep as my 3.5's - that would not have factored in whatsoever given the aforementioned scenario. They were beautiful sonically. 

I cannot help but feel a little bummed by the fact that Thiel is no longer what it was as I write this. Knowing there is a "guy" with his name on the equipment is a reassuring aspect of owning good stuff. Thiel is great stuff

Thanks! for sharing- oblgny

can you describe the system, including cabling, in which your demo was conducted?  Happy Listening!
I'd say 30-45 minutes overall. I believe the cabling was Cardas.  I brought along my Astell & Kern AK100 portable player simply because it sounds excellent. 
Being so familiar and impressed by Thiel in general simply didn't warrant the expenditure at this point in time. There is no need for me to replace my 3.5's just because an opportunity to "move up" was geographically desirable. They are so damn good I'll require a true "wow" moment to pry them away from me. 

I've learned from past audio experience that I'm more curious than sensible sometimes, a trait that has me regretting letting go of my Pass X150.5 amp for...I forget what!  Aaaargh!  

I will however continue to explore more Thiel as opportunity and disposable income make possible; I'm hooked. For now my 3.5's will carry on. Extraordinarily difficult speakers to beat.