I have an Oppo DV-980-HD, which was my introduction to non-redbook. I really like the formats and am looking to upgrade as cheaply as possible. I have a middling receiver, Rotel RX-1052; but I like it with my Canton Ergo 1002DCs. The DV-980 does not play redbooks quite as well as my NAD C546BEE, IMHO.
My research strongly suggests that the Oppo BPD X5s are better for audio than their BDP X3 counterparts. I think a BDP 95 is about as rich as I could go at present. There is a Marantz SA 8003 I could get for $300 less. Better deal?
It seems used Marantz and Oppo command top dollar. Has anyone heard a Denon DVD-5900 or DVD-3910? Or an Arcam DV-135 or DV-137?