Aerial 5T impressions

Any owners of Aerial 5T out there that want to share their impressions?

I currently have B&W CM6S2's..
They are very detailed speakers with good bass. Sometimes the highs are a little on the bright side and I was listening to a pair of the Aerial 5T's.  They sound more neutral to me with less emphasis on the extreme high end.  Beautiful build quality. 

If you have similar or other experience with them I would  e very interested. 

Hah, not for me to decide why many other speaker designers don't use Kevlar, but apparently my preference fell onto those who does. Aerial in particular. 

Right the 5T's have not been out long.
I am about to upgrade my 8 month old b&w cm6s2 to the 5Ts.  Was holing to hear some comparison others may have had to this speaker.

It.looks like the new Aerial  T line does not contain Kevlar.  It is a "Papyrus blend cone". Blend. so maybe it does have Kevlar, but specs dont say.  B&w new 805s are not using the yellow Kevlar anymore.  

The new Papyrus blend cone sounds indescribably delicious. 
Perhaps Kevlar is too pricey for today's profit demands. Not sure and never shopped for one separately for projects to tell for sure, but spent some time on research for choice. Loved and adored midrange of CM series of B&W with Kevlar, but didn't like their weak bass... 
Michael Green, whos free resonance speakers I have, used to have a reference two way model with 8" custom Kevlar driver. Those speakers had a frenquency range down to mid 20s and were capable of playing at high though not insane volume. Michael has an impeccable ear, he tunes studios and concert halls, and I will trust him with his choice of drivers any day.
Also, some of his refernce speakers had outboard crossovers. I believe, all reference speakers should be made that way. Do you really think that all that usual sh-t inside cabinets facilitates great sound reproduction? Unfortunately, Michael is one of those talented people who knows how to make things but not quite how to sell them.