Merlin VSM MXr vs Thiel 2.4 vs Dynaudio C1

Hi, I got a lot of good recommendations from viewers of my other thread "Best speaker under $3K". I wonder if I stretch my budget to around $4K- used, what would be the choice?

A few people mentioned the Dynaudio Confidence C1, Merlin, Thiel, etc. Anyone have experience with these fine speakers? How would you differ them?

FYI, I listen to a variety of musics - orchestra, chamber, vocals(female and male), jazz, pop songs,etc and prefer natural, accurate, musical sound with smooth treble and good bass as well as excellent sound stage and imaging.

I had experience listening the Vandersteen 5A and was very impressed by the dynamics and details it rendered. But it's way beyond my reach.

Realistically, I would consider the few candidates mentioned above and maybe the Reference 3A Veneer. My listening room is about 13 x 15 x 9.

Thanks for your help.
Let us know how you like the new Harbeth 7es3 compared to the Thiel or Dynaudio.
Call a dealer who sells LaHave Melas and ask for a good deal.
I have them after listening to/owning lots of speakers, including Dyn C1s. Just plain awesome tonality without fatigue. I sound like a shill now from my posts but I'm not. I just bought a pair from a private audiogoner and I LOVE these things. Search in the forums and you'll see my posts. I think they may have the tonality and overall enjoyment of $37K TAD monitors, and I'd have to think hard about trading them even-steven for TADs. My Sonus Faber Cremona Auditors that I really liked are in the closet now because of the Lahaves.
And my Harbeth SHL5s are sold also because the Lahaves are so much better, with much more reach into the music. You will be neither bored or assaulted by the Mela monitors, and they don't need expensive stands either.

Like I said, I sound like a shill, but I've never even contacted a dealer for them or Lahave themselves and I have no connection with the audio industry.
Yet another +vote for Thiel.  Been chasing my tail ever since I sold my cs2 2.  Think I'll try and locate some cs2.7 and get off this "audiophool carousel".