JL Audio

I am working on an upgrade to my theater and was curious on people's thoughts on what configuration makes the most sense.

My room size is 13' x 21' and I hope to match up the sub with a set of B&W CM9's.

Should I go with one F113 or two F110's? Pros/Cons
I have one JL-F113 and an extremely satisfied with both music and movies. My Arcam FMJ-888 has a built in eq and speaker set up. After running this I no longer have the walls shaking but excellent balanced low end. I did do some tweaking to the sub. I had Bright Star Audio create a stand about 12" high that I filled with sand. That alone made the sub more musical IMHO. I then upgraded to a Synergistic Research Subwoofer 2 XLR Cable. OMG that cable mellowed out the boom and now I am extremely happy with my investment and choice. One is enough if you assist it just a little. My two cents.
Sailcappy makes a good point about how a cable can take a sub from good to great. When I added the Synergistic Subwoofer 2 XLR cable to my system, it was as if my JL-F112 took singing lessons.
Tried the f110(not enough) and the f112 (enough). Friend had a Velodyne Optimum 12 and brought it over. A/B'd the two and the Velodyne actually sounded tighter and more powerfull. Have since returned f112 and purchased Optimum 12. Saved almost $2,000. I strongly suggest you find a shop that will let you demo numerous subwoofers before purchase. All rooms have different acoustics. JL is very good but in my belief it is overpriced.
Just purchased a f113 and have been listening over the last 24 hrs so still adjusting but at this point I can say it is very, very, very quick, accurate, muscular only when called for plus it has a sense of effortlessness in power (so that's what 2500 watts of power does!). I'm not into home theater but I had the pleasure of visiting Dr Bill Gaw last week who has 2 of these subs in his room and when we watch the gladiator scene of GLADIATOR my palms actually were sweating! It was a wow experience. The JL Audio f113 has put my 2 REL Stentors to bed, may they rest in peace (and for the love of me why couldn't REL have placed all controls on the front of the box!).
(Dealer disclaimer)