I should being this by saying I am from the pro side. Pros feel the best way is always to run the mains full range, use a Low Pass filter on the sub that's being fed the same full range signal. However, for movies, the correct movie set up uses a dedicated Low Frequency Effects channel, with the caveat being different studios have used different LFE crossover freq's in their mixes. The correct one is 120Hz for THX style but some have used 80Hz. This is also a summed mono channel. This whole area of LFE and crossovers etc is what's called "bass management", which many of us hate for lack of a universal standard. The idea of rolling off mains sucks! Inserting a crossover into mains at such an audible point leaves a good sized "hole" to sort out, a artifact you cannot fix.
Obviously this is a common problem so there is an entire class of product out there for it. Being that this 5.1, 7.1 processing is typically all digital, there will be a wide range of performance differences between processors.
The main point to make is DO NOT rolloff the mains or insert any type of crossover on the mains for anything but movies. It makes a big [audio] mess.