Any modern band that comes close to Mahavishnu Orchestra ?

Nothing that I can find.
Correction. " Pasha's Love " composition was written by Trilok Gurtu not by John. This is not the best take, I only have the best take on VHS tape, but still quite good. The bass player is weak.
@ maxnewid: decided to take your advice on The School Of The Arts and have been enjoying the hell out of it the past few days, Thanks!

I'm a fusion fan and have always Loved Dixie Dreggs, R2F, Ponty, DiMeola, Corea, et al....but, hey, inna, what can you say...Mahavishnu was always Mahavishnu - nothin' else like 'em!....but then, given all their individual firepower, how could there be, right?? Maybe the band that would best define the 'supergroup of fusion'. 

Long ago I once heard some Danish band perform fusion somewhat similar to Mahavishnu, though no violin. The guitar player was very good. Of course, it was no Mahavishnu, but it was quite impressive. My point is that if anyone is trying to continue the tradition of Mahavishnu style fusion, or Miles style, it is likely that you will find them in Europe, especially in Norway and Denmark. Both McLaughlin and fusion era Davis were always more admired in Europe and Japan.