Subwoofer crossovers

I want to use my 2 JL113's with my 2 channel as well as my surround sound system. The JL's do not have an LFE input only L&R inputs. I think I need a crossover for the 2 channel system that I can shut down via remote so only the setting in the surround sound processor control the sub in theater mode. I use the right inputs for 2 channel stereo & the left inputs in a T configuration for mono with the surround system but the settings for 2 channel restrict the sub too much I think. I would like two differant crossover settings.
Any ideas or am I making this harder than it is.
Thanks for your input.
Pink Floyd and some other music is why I upgraded from the Verity Ovation to the Sarastro's. I bottomed out the bass drivers of the Ovations with music from The Wall album. I prefer the sound of Verity speakers so I stayed with the line and the fit and finish of them is awesome. If I did not push 90 - 100 db with Floyd and some other music I would not have run into the issue. BTW I could not make them bottom out with the CD version of The Wall. Vinyl is my preference SW when I listen to 2 channel music.
The only thing I miss most after the upgrade was not being able to rotate the bass cabinet but the size of the Sarastro's bass driver more than makes up for the inability to rotate the bass driver forward.

I am looking into the NHTx2. It looks like it does more than really need.
I will set the front panel EQ to match what I have the JL's front panel setup for, so the 2 channel system will have no change. Then when the LFE input gets info it will over ride the 2 channel settings to the LFE crossover setting. I will set the LFE crossover to 110 Hz and allow the Meridian to set the actual crossover point. As long as the crossover point is at or lower than 110Hz there should be no problem.
I did an in house shootout between the Avalons Eidolon Visions and my Verity Parsifals and prefered the former. Highs of Verity were a bit smoother, but I prefed mid and in particular high bass in the Avalons. I blew up the Avalon midrange playing Floyd at 95db (105 peak) at 12ft distance.

To my knowledge the NHT does not apply any crossover filtering to the LFE channel, and there is no 110Hz setting you can apply. It (correctly) assumes LFE is always crossed over in the SSP or source player. It passes on signal and sums it to the 2 channel information.

If you set the NHT to the same setting as the JLs you are applying two low pass filters (not sure slopes would match). You would get less signal degradation if you bypassed the filter in the JL (flip the switch) and just applied the crossover of the NHT, not sure the difference would be audible, but philosophically this would be preferable. How are you planning to score a used NHT if I may ask?
Hevac - other thought. If you have set cross-over on your JL's for stereo mode (at say 35Hz), the JL's will cut of your LFE input at that frequency as well, and you would lose most of your LFE information. The only way around this is to use the NHT crossover as intended and as I described in my previous post, and switch off the JL's Xover.
I stand corrected, the Feq. switch I was talking about is for " the High Pass Filter determines the range of frequencies that the main speakers ("satellites") will reproduce" my mistake and I will not be using that option at all. I will be using one of the 2 main outputs from my Ref3 for my Sarastro's and the other to the NHT x2
Yes when I get the X2 I will switch off the JL's crossover.
As for where I will a NHT x2 I am not sure. I am good at finding items I need so I will search around a bit.
Jarad from Goodwins say's he can make it all work without an additional crossover. I may try that also.

I really wish they added a remote to the crossover.

I have not been able to stress any of the Sarastro's drives so far, all that happens is the speakers get so load it is not comfortable to be in the room with them.
The sound is still very clear at that point also.
Should work. Very similar to what I am doing. Only thing to keep in mind is that if you apply cross over to your mains in the meridian in MCH mode, AND you run a set of outputs from your preamp (I presume with HT bypass) through the NHT, you will get low pass information from your mains twice.

First on the LFE channel (crossed over in the Meridian), and once more from the stereo inputs in the NHT. This is certainly the case if you cross over in the Meridian while still running the mains at full range. But even if you apply a high pass filter to the mains in the Meridian, quite a bit of LF information will still be there (because of the slope of the filter) for the NHT to send to the subs (adding it to the LFE channel information).

The way around this would be to not use the Meridian crossover for the mains, but let the NHT do the work through the stereo inputs, even in MCH mode.