Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

the newer models (CS 1.6/1.7/ 2.4/2.4se/2.7) are all recommended the outriggers. I do not know about the more vintage ones?

I have been re-visiting some of the older Thiel threads and offering updates. They are not limited to this thread. Some are in the Amp/Preamp section, Digital section...

My current pair of 3.5's did not have the spikes included so I simply used some isolation blocks to raise them to the appropriate height having them would have provided. The pair I gifted to my nephew did have them so I could measure. 

I've never seen a pair of this model with outriggers anywhere so I have to think they were not designed for use?  A common issue when buying this model now is with the spikes sometimes as they tend to bust the plinth where they screw in, no doubt from attempting to reposition 'em without lifting them. They're relatively heavy so that's understandable. 

This pair did not experience that problem so if I come across a set of spikes somewhere I'll buy them. Not a real issue at all for me. 

Imagine getting these for $350 like I did - from a fellow member no less.  Easily my best ever purchase. 


I can heartily recommend Pass Labs X150.5 or up. I've seen a few in your price range and to my ears were the best amps for my CS3.5's. 
The X150.5 is 150 watts X 2 into 8ohms, 300 into 4ohms. I had an ARC LSB2 for the preamp. 

Also, I can recommend looking into a Pass via Reno Hifi here. I have no affiliation or mercenary connection to Reno but my two quick transactions with Mark were exemplary.  I purchased a First Watt M2 from him and almost immediately stepped up to the 150.5.  Full credit for the M2 towards the 150.5. Pass ain't cheap at any level so knowing you're dealing with a class act is reassuring. 

Have fun in your quest.  Thiels reveal!