New Giant Television

I am moving to a new house that has a basement where I intend on setting up my main system. The room is great, about 7' high and the walls about 18' x 23'. I'm all set on the audio setup, not much different from current (with the exeception of lots of room treatments since I will finally have a dedicated room), but with a dedicated room I will have a different video set up.

I want to be able to have ambient light in the room, so I don't want a projector. I don't believe that 3D is the next big thing, don't care about it at all. I don't care if it's plasma, LED, LCD, rear projection, whatever...

I want a giant TV with a great picture, without 3D, I don't care about it's proportions. I've seen Mitsubishi has up to 84" LCD projections screens, the bigger the better.

What suggestions?
Are you sure your need for ambient prohibits use of a brighter projector? They are cheaper than any other option and as a bonus its in no way affecting the soundstage when its just music (or even a concert video). Many use projectors with several lamps on or some window light. I really think you should rule out projectors just yet. There are both LCD and DLP models that I feel safe to say would work great for you, they also IMO give your room a more hi~end look. AVSforum has a wealth of info on any technology or models to explore be it pro or monitors.
Saw the Panasonic 103" plasma in a shop not too long ago. Really outrageously large (on the off chance you've got ~$70k that you're in a rush to part with). Badass projectors ain't cheap, but undoubtedly a whole lot more reasonable than that....