My measured bass response of Thiel 2.3s


At present my living room ( 24X14X8 ) system consists of a Rega Apollo, a Cary SLI-80 and Thiel 2.3 speakers. The speakers are 10 feet apart and the listening position is 10 feet away. I used a Radio Shack digital sound pressure meter and Stereophiles test disk vol I. The 1000 htz warble tone was normalized at 80 db at the listening position

1000 htz +- 0
200 +- 0
160 +- 0
125 + 4 db
100 + 2 db
80 + 5 db
63 - 5 db
50 - 7 db
40 + 2 db
31.5 + 1 db
25 - 12 db

I was surprised on how deep it can go being relatively undepowered by the standards of most Thiel users and using a tubed amp. I must say I really like the sound coming from these speakers.

I agree with Hiend2. You may be able to boost the 63 & 50hz readings by moving the speakers closer to the wall and/or moving your listening chair in a foot or so. Did you measure above 1000hz? Nice job!

Dsigga ... I have a WAF to deal with. She likes them where they are in terms of the overall appearance of the LR. Perhaps I'll move the chair a foot or two, a good suggestion.

Aball ... I know the best thinking about Thiels is ss with lots of watts 200 to 400. The Cary has 80 in the Ultralinear mode and I am using the 4 ohm taps. I did try them with a high current ss amp 230 watts in 8 ohms and 380 into 4 ohms. They certainly could play louder and the bass was thunderous. I however, prefer the tube sound and decieded to use the Cary amp. I know this is contraian but it does sound very good. I can't get 110 db with it but at 85, 90 to 95 db, which is loud for me they sound very good. I listen to jazz and some classic rock and a lot of female vocals. If I was into classical music I think I would need more power because of the dynamic headroom needed.

good listening

Thanks! for sharing- stevecham

Manley is a sonic match for Thiel speakers. Happy Listening!

you have a rather large listening space for the CS 2.3 loudspeaker.
What other gear, including cabling, is in your system?