A T800 fuse is slow blow. The thinness of the wire reflects the small 800 ma (0.8 amp) current rating of the fuse.
Also, given the reports that have been made in this thread by several people indicating that in some applications SR fuses have had to be derated somewhat to prevent them from blowing when they shouldn't (i.e., to have current ratings that are a bit higher than specified by the equipment manufacturer), it would seem prudent to choose an SR fuse rated at 1 amp, rather than 800 ma. Both ratings provide a wide margin relative to the 20 volt-amp consumption of the DAC, but the brief current surge that may occur at turn-on could be significantly larger.
-- Al
Also, given the reports that have been made in this thread by several people indicating that in some applications SR fuses have had to be derated somewhat to prevent them from blowing when they shouldn't (i.e., to have current ratings that are a bit higher than specified by the equipment manufacturer), it would seem prudent to choose an SR fuse rated at 1 amp, rather than 800 ma. Both ratings provide a wide margin relative to the 20 volt-amp consumption of the DAC, but the brief current surge that may occur at turn-on could be significantly larger.
-- Al