I have a pair of Genesis Physics model 7s sitting in the basement because my wife thinks they are too big. They have some of the best tweeters I've ever heard. PSB Imagine XBs are the largest she would let me get. Thank goodness for the man cave where I call the shots!) The PSBs are pretty good. Amazing bass and vocals. I can't vouch for the sound stage because their placement is compromised by she-who-must-be-obeyed.
I wish I had know that the guy who designed the Genesis is in business on his own His name is Huw Powell of Human Speakers and I believe I read that the Adcom 545 is his preferred amp. I would strongly encourage you to visit his site and give him a call. He has a small but devoted following and would definitely have some suggestions that optimize your amp. BTW, the Model 7s were an absolute steal when I bought them around 1990 for $100 I think, and no, I will NOT sell them. I would sell the PSBs and buy the Human QT 2+ in a heartbeat. (the Model 61s are too big)
Best of luck!
I wish I had know that the guy who designed the Genesis is in business on his own His name is Huw Powell of Human Speakers and I believe I read that the Adcom 545 is his preferred amp. I would strongly encourage you to visit his site and give him a call. He has a small but devoted following and would definitely have some suggestions that optimize your amp. BTW, the Model 7s were an absolute steal when I bought them around 1990 for $100 I think, and no, I will NOT sell them. I would sell the PSBs and buy the Human QT 2+ in a heartbeat. (the Model 61s are too big)
Best of luck!