Vandersteen Treo vs 3A Sig as upgrade

I had my local dealer hook up a pair of Treos to demo them and left with a very mixed impression. I like the overall sound. They have a smoother, more refined and sophisticated midrange that the 3A Sigs can't match. I want that. But the bass was less defined and the top end was bright. The sibilance was very exaggerated - this was with CD. Is this the character of the Treo? Thanks!
I really wanted to like the Treo, I really did. I even went to the extent of taking a couple of my friends to listen to them at a Vandersteen dealership and they both had the same opinion, "Your 3A Signatures sound better." Although the Treo does seem to have a more focused midrange, it's simply not enough to over come the lack of low end that the 3A Signatures possess...(the lack of low end could be an advantage if you lived in an apartment)...If only Vandersteen would come out with a 3A Signature CT, I think they'd have a damn near perfect speaker.
@gregorycarlson  I'm curious...How long have you had your 3A Sigs. and did you buy them new?

Guys, the bass on the Treo is nearly as low as the 3a sig's, but tighter.  I hear folks make the statement that the 3 bass is better, but it just isn't, especially if things are set up correctly.  Richard is the first to tell you this.  I play everything and I think I've got some very high end gear that is revealing as heck and the Treo bass is much better.  Does it go quite as deep? No, but honestly, very little music has that much information down that low where the difference would be.  What you are listening to is the bass that you are used to and like, which is fine.  The Treo is just a faster speaker and much better overall. If it wasn't, they wouldn't sell it i promise you.  

that takes nothing away from you guys who love your speakers. You should, lol.  
ctsooner -  More accurate reproduction alone does not a better speaker make.  Musicality and accuracy without bass drive = Treo.  It's OK for polite listening but is less than the sum of its parts on bass heavy rock.  BTW there is plenty of rock with bass in the low 30's.  Without the oomph behind it that the Sigs deliver the Treo = fail on those recordings.  No boogie, no pace, no timing necessary for bass driven music, like the most fun rock is.  Quoting the designer won't change that.  Suggesting that your superior gear makes your opinion more powerful won't change that.  Saying people can't be objective because they're "used to" bad bass won't change that.  If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it's a duck.   The Treo cannot Boogie, it quacks on heavy rock.  The required foundation is just not there.  It's a decent speaker.  Quick, light and accurate - sure.  But where's the beef?  In the 3A Sig.  
As a long time 3A Signature owner who is listening to Treo CT for the past two months.  The resolution, smoothness of texture and dynamic drive of the Treos put them in another league entirely from the 3A Sigs.  However, I have two 2wq subwoofers along with the Treo CT so I can't relate to the less than satisfying bass response.  If you are listening mostly to hard rock type music, absent the subs. I can see where they would be more enjoyable for you.  I have said many times on this forum, for as amazing as the Treo CT is, the 3A Sig. is a great value and in your case, has the several Hz at the bottom end that you need.  Enjoy your 3A Signatures!

Remember one thing about Vandersteen Audio.  Richard never comes out with a new design that is more expensive that does not deliver the musical goods commensurate with its price point!  I have so much faith in that, that I bought my Treo CT unseen and unheard. The only surprise for me is that they are so more highly resolved and present such a sophisticated sound.  Every time I leave my listening room a have a big smile on my face.

As for you, I hope you leave your listening sessions smiling as well.