Aerial 7bs or Thiel 2.4s

I've been l;istening to all types of speakers to replace my old Thiel CS 2s. I've narrowed my chouce down to the Thiel 2.4 or the Aerial Acoustic 7Bs. I have a 14'X12' room with Pass Labs X-250 amp and Cary preamp. Focused mostly on analog playback using an Aries 2 with Dynavector 20XH cart with musical interests ranging from Classic Rock ('70s, some '80s), acoustic jazz, classical, alternative and modern rock. I also have been listening to quite a bit of female vocal recordings. With that said, I want a speaker that is revealing, but not insanely so. Obviously these are two different speakers, but I would like to hear from 'goners who have experience with either one. I should also point out that I'm not unhappy with the Thiel CS 2s. I actually think they sound better than the 2.4s, but not as good as the Aerials. Seem to be a bit warmer sounding than the new version. My system goals is to create a revealing system that leans towards the warm sound of tubes.

Comments and suggestions are welcome.
I don't understand why you would even consider the 2.4's, given your preference for the 2's. I seems like your choices are narrowed down to keeping the 2's or replacing them with the 7B's.
I have the 7B’s with a X250 and they sound great together. Haven’t heard Thiel’s in years so I won’t comment on them, but when we had two dealers selling them locally, one before the other, they didn’t do it for me. I took a pair of Thiel’s home at the time and bought a pair of ProAcs over them. I had a set of Dunlavy’s before the ProAcs; to me the Thiel’s like Dunlavy’s just didn’t pull me into the music for long listening sessions. At first they sounded great but I later found them to be fatiguing when listening at long periods of time. I could listen to ProAcs and now my Ariels for hours and hours. Aerial's are very musical.