DACs that upsample to DSD internally?

Hello Everyone,

I'm wondering if we can form a list of DACs that are capable of upsampling PCM to DSD internally? I realize there are various software programs that could do this on the fly from your PC. But for the truly computer illiterate among us (like me) who find learning to use such programs incredibly frustrating, it would be great to know which DACs can to this. I only know of the Directstream. Thanks to all!
PS Audio Directstream, EMM Labs, dCS are ones I can think of.

These 3 companies are certainly recognised by audiophiles and audio journalists all over the world for making great sounding dac’s.
It matters not what chips they use or whether they convert PCM to DSD.
The proof as always, is in the listening.
Don't forget Playback Design, Andreas Koch who designed the EMM Labs Dacs and a few other before he went independent and started his own company.
The Esoteric K-01X does.  I have one and it is exceptional in both modes: PCM unfiltered and no upscaling and conversion of PCM to DSD.
xrayz, I'm still confused.  Do you need your DAC to output DSD stream to the outside (DSD stream on output connector) or you're looking for the DAC that outputs analog voltage that comes from PCM-DSD conversion.  As I mentioned before all Delta-Sigma D/A converters are based on principle of converting PCM to DSD, then taking average value (filtering) of DSD (PWM) stream.