However I do know someone who owns a REF 10 and said that the REF 6 is 90% of the REF 10.
I would take comments like, However I do know someone who owns a REF 10 and said that the REF 6 is 90% of the REF 10 with a grain of salt.
The only way to know is to compare for yourself.
jhconnor31 posts07-19-2016 10:08pmI certainly have not. However, I spoke with "a person" at Audio Reaearch about the two. He said, fairly matter-of-factly, that despite the improvement in the Ref 6 power supply that, in his opinion, the 40th Anniversary still out performed it. If the Ref 6 is even close then I would highly recommend giving it an audition.
I have Ref250SE and preamp came up when talking to someone at ARC and he also said 40th Anniversary out performs Ref 6.
jhconnor, typically one box solutions are not considered 'no cost object' designs. Let's be fair, how about asking this person a direct comparing between the 40th anniversary edition and Reference 10?One is not superior to the other but just different. Mainly due to different capacitors.