Zu's are surely on the pricier side of most Denon receiver based budgets. Nonetheless, I assume a strong dynamic higher-end offering if you could swing something from Zu, sure! ...excellent, I'm sure....as are the excellent Orb dual ball thingy's, w/ribbon tweeter tingamabobbers! - lol. I think I got those right -sounded fantastic, when I hear em..yep
For the budget minded, I second the Klipsch stuff for solid dynamic HT setups with Denon receiver based systems too. I have had some extremely ambitious two channel and involved high end multi-channel HT system setups over the years, and still find it hard to beat (mind you, when setup correctly -as always) the little Klipsch Quintet sat/sub combo with the Denon, ON THE CHEAP! -Dynamic, clear, detailed, and involving on a budget! Just does a really great job delivering what you want from movie soundtracks..I find.
Key is to crossover high to a smaller dual 8" type sub setup, with subs close to the main sats for xlt integration! (othewise, like all small sub/sat systems, you can easily get a nice weak hole in the response between crossover from sub to sats, true.
Also, the Denon's Mult-EQ and smooth top end tends to work wonders with the Klipsch Horn loaded designs bit bright and foreweard pressentation...balances nice, I assure you.
You can spend lots of bucks on active, more amitious high end speakers, and such. But you're talking receiver systems for movies! You want lots of presence, dynamics, focused -but wide presentation -soundstage, easy to understand dialog, and xlt detail...over air, perfect midrange (you'd be supprised how good it is on little Quintets!), super deep soundstaging, or ultra refinement.
The NHT Zero's, little Galo's, and similar are gunna be more laid back and reserved with less dyanmic efficiency, focus and involvement than higher efficiency horns, actives, and such, typically.
For the budget minded, I second the Klipsch stuff for solid dynamic HT setups with Denon receiver based systems too. I have had some extremely ambitious two channel and involved high end multi-channel HT system setups over the years, and still find it hard to beat (mind you, when setup correctly -as always) the little Klipsch Quintet sat/sub combo with the Denon, ON THE CHEAP! -Dynamic, clear, detailed, and involving on a budget! Just does a really great job delivering what you want from movie soundtracks..I find.
Key is to crossover high to a smaller dual 8" type sub setup, with subs close to the main sats for xlt integration! (othewise, like all small sub/sat systems, you can easily get a nice weak hole in the response between crossover from sub to sats, true.
Also, the Denon's Mult-EQ and smooth top end tends to work wonders with the Klipsch Horn loaded designs bit bright and foreweard pressentation...balances nice, I assure you.
You can spend lots of bucks on active, more amitious high end speakers, and such. But you're talking receiver systems for movies! You want lots of presence, dynamics, focused -but wide presentation -soundstage, easy to understand dialog, and xlt detail...over air, perfect midrange (you'd be supprised how good it is on little Quintets!), super deep soundstaging, or ultra refinement.
The NHT Zero's, little Galo's, and similar are gunna be more laid back and reserved with less dyanmic efficiency, focus and involvement than higher efficiency horns, actives, and such, typically.