Is going from Aerial 10T to Aerial 7T a significant upgrade ?

I have Aerial 10T speakers and I have been happy with them.
I've had them for 15 years and I guess I am ready for a change and since the speakers are in my Manhattan living room, I wouldn't mind a speaker that looks a little nicer.

My question is would switching to the newer Aerial 7T speaker be a significant upgrade in sound, or would the difference be subtle ?
 As my 10Ts are rather old (even though they work fine), I doubt I would get much for selling them so the switch would cost me about $5K or so.

I have Ayre CD player, ARC LS25 mk II pre-amp, and an ARC VT200 amplifier.

You can find a 7T for under $5000, and your 10T might get you close to $2000 if it's a later vintage.  Most find the mids and treble better on the 7T , but you would sacrifice bass. Some prefer older equipment too
Love my 7b's as well, and they look great in my room without overpowering a room visually, plus the rosewood looks great. Never heard a set of 10t's, but I can only imagine how nice they sound. If it's a look thing, you could probably get a set of 7b's for what your 10t's would bring. There was a set of 7b's here recently for sale. Maybe try them first if you don't want to part with your money.