Upgrade my DAC or buy more weed?

So I was just listening to Bad Company (Live) "No Smoke Without a Fire" at near deafening levels (about 94db at my seat), the REL G1 was pumping away... it sounded like I was actually at the effing concert... and I am POSITIVE my neighbor was hearing what was going on as well... and I was wondering if I really should be thinking about upgrading to a better DAC or if those funds might be better invested on more weed? 

It seems like more and more lately, that when I am baked on a heavy Indica like Bubba Kush, Blackwater or AK-47, that I seem to "get" the music more and enjoy the listening session more.  Also, it seems that I become more open to different types of music as well.  Likely the same with musicians and song writers... they probably create some of their best work when they are high.

Just wondering I guess about dumping more money into system upgrades or just leave it as is and keep on smokin' ?
If I was still smoking weed I would go with the more weed but Im not although I do miss it when listing to my music, Music and weed are a marriage made in heaven. 

If you live in the State where medicated marijuana is legal, go that path - it's cheaper and better for your health I heard, and it's safer when you go to get it. 

On the audio side, have you considered spinning plastic (Turn table)? I had 2 TTs and never used them for years. Just hook one up because my wife put it near my system today. Wow - it has soul man that is missing from digital, even with high level DAC...Super audio CD's come closer , but I still prefer analog sound. Just something to think about, before forking out big dough on digital.

Best post ever. You should be able to do both. I don't believe smoking herb leads to making poor decisions. That's what alcohol does, not weed. The only poor decision a stoned person ever made was eating Doritos instead of Kale chips.
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