Best Turntable: Acoustic-Signature, Amazon Refere

Best Turntable: Acoustic-Signature, Amazon Referenz, Galibier Design, Sota Millenia

Please offer your experience with the sound quality and character of the following tables:

· Acoustic-Signature Mambo
· Amazon Referenz
· Galibier Design Gavia or Stelvio
· Sota Millennia

I am most interested in the performance with a Schroeder Tonearm. Please advise what arm and cartridge you listened to. Please also advise what turntable that you compared and liked better, and what was better about it.


No one ever mentions Pluto turntables in these discussions. Why is that? They are rare, of course, insanely expensive, etc. They also seem to have garnered high praise from reviewers. I have never seen or heard a system with a Pluto turntable, but perhaps some of you turntable mavens know something about them. Any information would be interesting.
In 2016, How many of these manufacturers are still extant?

anyone else?