Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Previous speakers in my listening room had always benefited from quite fierce toe in, essentially with the tweeters pointing at my ears. With the Thiels it’s totally different. They don’t sound bad in that configuration, but it does compress their ultra impressive sound staging, plus the treble is far better integrated with the other drivers when in a more or less flat set up. I have about an inch of toe in just to channel the sound away from the side walls.

Essentially I’m in heaven with how they sound.

While led they do plunge Stygian depths of bass, the sound is still lean when it needs to sound lean. In other words there appears to be zero cabinet coloration. To my ears the 3.5s have the sound I was chasing with electrostatics, but with all the dynamism they lack. Just superb.

Thanks! again- catalysis

upon my 1st demo session w/ the CS 2.4, I was instantly struck by its very rich sound (timbre) and presentation. I was fortunate enough to listen to those speakers on a 3-month work assignment. I am became a believer and awaited until a pair of CS 2.4SE came along for purchase.

Happy Listening!
Hello Jeff

good to see you again. Believe me, I am chomping at the bit trying to put it all together.  I really want to audition a few more pieces prior to any purchasing.  These integrated amps are on my short-list;

Bryston B-135 (squared or cubed)
Conrad Johnson CA 150/150 SE
Pass Labs INT models

I want a frame of reference, as in the past, I have heard these companies
separates.  You guys will get it here in this thread, first.

Happy Listening!

2nd Note;

guys -upon completion, my system, will be reference level. Considering the dollar amounts involved, I do not want to make a mistake. Synergy and careful gear selection is paramount.  I have never had any interest in a revolving-door system.  Once in place it will be around for many, many years.