two Levinson no. 29 VS one Levinson 23.5?

Hello to all Levinson gurus out there....

I have two no. 29 amps.... (very happy), currently playing them with a tube preamp (First Sound Presence Deluxe).... the rest of my system consists on Aurender X100 and Bel canto CD 2 (sources), played through a Playback Designs MPD-3 dac..... and to my Usher be-10 speakers... all cables are shunyatas, as well as a PS8 and Defender, to dedicated 30 amp power lines....

I listen to jazz, vocals.... smooth jazz.... some rock, lounge music, classic.... and do not tend to go high on SPL, but the extra power always give that sense of control and ambient at low volume that I truly love.

I am very happy with the results, huge soundstage, dynamics, detail.... well, I do like A LOT that levinson era amps...

There is a chance to buy a no 23.5, and was wondering if it should add something more to the mix... the 29´s are being used in bridge mode (200w @8 ohms), and since my Ushers are efficient and very ohms stable with flat response they have been playing great... also, can simply biamp them (great too)

Have any of you compared both amps on a side by side?... will I gain or lose by going from 2 levinson 29 to one levinson 23.5? the other option would be to keep one 29 and use it in bi amp mode with the 23.5 on the bottom end, but unsure about this last option given the 50w vs 200w rating and not having an active crossover....

Or should I go MORE crazy and consider simply buying the 23.5 and use the two 29 in bride mode (200w each) for the mids-tweeters, and the 23.5 for the woofers!? I for sure don´t need all that power! (previously used a Viva solista with the ushers with OUTSTANDING results).... but damn!!..... it is also tempting
I've owned the ML2, ML20.6 and the ML23.5.  I am very family with the ML29 but not in bridge mode.  IME, bridged amplifiers never sound as good as a single stereo amp of the same make and model.  IMHO, the 23.5 is a much better sounding amp than either the ML27 or ML29.  Although your bridge 29s offer 200w into 8ohms, they will never have the same grip on the bass like the 23.5 have especially when the speaker impedance drops below 8ohms. 
thanks guys.....

@brf I have tried my no. 29s also in passive biamp on my ushers.... great indeed.... bridged, they also perform quite well -on my speakers at least- as they do not vary much from the 8 ohms....

will try to get a hold of the 23.5... I truly believe these levinsons (27.5, 23.5, 29) are magnificent, even by today standards...
I have never heard the 23.5 but have owned the ML 29, 27,27.5 and had a 331.5 on loan. They each bring a different dimension. Have never heard the 29 in bridged mode.  I think you have to ask yourself what are you missing and what are you looking for? It also depends on the source.  I had each of the MLs with different speakers and the same (27 and 27.5). The 27.5 sounded best with one set of speakers I owned and the 27 another. If I had to live with one of those it would be the 27.5. The 29 at only 50 WPC is one sweet little amp but if you need more control and drive I would say go for the 23.5. The .5 series in the older amps to my ears were a little more open, had better drive and a little cooler on top and in the mids. The 27 was a bit more laid back or a tad darker sounding if that makes sense. Have you tried the 29 non-bridged or one amp driving your speakers? If so, so what did you think?