Martin Logan CLS "Buyer's Guide" Question

I’ve wanted a set of Logan CLS’s since I first heard them back in the 1980’s and would like to start looking for a pair, but could use some help to know for sure that I’d be buying a good set. Would you guys please opine on these concerns?

- What do I look for in a decent set to avoid a ’lemon’?
- What is the difference in characteristics between ’generations’ of CLS (I, Ia, II, IIa, IIz...)
- How can I identify which generation of CLS I’m dealing with, and how important is it?
- Would there be any concern about age of panels, or if the panels are replacements?
- Would you recommend a different model of ML speaker, and if so - which one, and why?

My current equipment is:
McIntosh C28 (presently in use)
Krell KRC-3 (inbound...)
Bryston 4BST
Dahlquist DQ10
Polk PSW650

I hope to replace the DQ10s in favor of the Logan’s, but it’s helpful to know what I’m getting into beforehand, to avoid a costly mistake.

Thanks in advance!

I think you're probably better off waiting also.  The right pair will come around.  The last couple pair of  IIZ's that I've seen were around $1200-$1500 dollars in excellent condition.

You're quite welcome and if you have any other questions or need any additional help, just let me know.
Very grateful for your assistance.  If you happen to stumble on a pair in the Northeastern PA region (keeping in mind I was ready to drive 9 hours each way for this pair), let me know.
If you happen to stumble on a pair in the Northeastern PA region (keeping in mind I was ready to drive 9 hours each way for this pair), let me know.

Will do.  I am always running into a pair somewhere.  I'll let you know.
i'm with jond on this one - really very nice of you mofimadness to help parabolic with some great & pertinent information.  
these sort of episodes make me believe that in fits & starts Audiogon is still the same as it was when i first joined......
@jond and @bombaywalla...thanks guys for the nice comments.  I really appreciate it!