Durand record weight ha ha ha ha - and other crazy thing

I heard that a Durand record weight costs 3500 USD. - that is just bonkers - we are truly entering the twilight zone of hi-fi - sorry.
can anyone else think of similarly stupid products

 As far as ct0517's remark from his TT's manufacturer.. well, I did not find any relevance.

I just saw your comment. Allow me to elaborate better. I like talking shop even though I am not in audiophile mode anymore. Would however prefer tech talk be brought to a general thread..  

Lets acknowledge that with a record weight/clamp at least 2 things can be affected.

1) The TT performance itself - the gear aspect.

2) The musicians recorded performance on the lp. If your record is coupled well to the platter well (no slipping), whether you are using a weight or not, the presentation of the music should be good. Unless it is Kind of Blue  :^)   or other lp that has known speed issues. 

Prior to my communications with the manufacturer I was up to that point familiar only with traditional mechanical bearing turntables.  And, in my experiences to that point the bearing type played a big part in what we hear due to its resonances - especially with a record weight/clamp that is coupled to the spindle.
For example - change just the bearing type (material) the presentation changes. Change the fluid the bearing sloshes around in and again the presentation changes again.  Both 1 and 2 above can be affected by this. Anyone that has changed out the bearing material or its fluid viscosity has heard this.  Likewise using a good record, lets say flat to the eye and not visually off centered, does not slip based on what you hear;  the use of different record weights/clamps changes the overall TT sonic presentation - with mechanical bearing TT's.   Tweaking - imagine the possibilities for the audiophile.

Now I did not understand what the manufacturer meant until I experienced it personally myself. Magnetic and also air bearings ( I base this on my tonearm) provide a level of isolation over a traditional mechanical bearing. So the effects of a record weight itself not as evident in the "Gears" overall sonic presentation - category 1. Using a record weight/clamp became just a process to couple a record better to the platter to realize better recorded performance in the music - category 2. Not as much to tune the overall sonic performance of the turntable. My experience.

Hopefully that explains better where I was coming from with the comments. Either way enjoy your journey.
I was just trying to make known that when using my different weights/clamps on the same lp, I hear a difference. If I'm listening to a recording that has an overall warmth that suppresses detail or dynamics, I go with my stock VPI center weight as a replacement for my Stillpoints LP-1. (Of course, I'm referring to the use of flat lps.) I don't think one can say there is a "best" clamp/weight for every tt out there and for every recording out there. I tend to use them more as a tuning mechanism. The other point to my post was having the ability to try other options out for oneself.

( I'm not sure what geoffkait's reference above to my previous post that includes my total posts is suppose to mean. I'll leave it up to him to explain if he so chooses.)
ct0517, If your TT has an air-bearing/platter, I regret my previous remark, as I have no personal experience with one. In that case, I could certainly understand a much different outcome.
Ct - you can play your instruments at mine anytime - not surre if the wife will approve though - LOL
Dalby Audio - crazy stuff...
I for one, believe it or not, am not overly critical of such expenditure in all fairness. As one poster said (massively paraphrasing) it may just be an addition to make once you have done all others.
I am truly curious as to the mindset of someone who does get this kind of thing.
Many/most people outside audio think it preposterous to spend oer £100 on a cartridge (or needle as they call it) - I have a cartridge that cost me north of £2000 - and I have heard many others that have me asking questions of my bank balance.
I guess that I threw this topic in, perhaps a tad flippantly, as it is simply nice to discuss with others what they appreciate, prioritise, and why that is the case. By way of example, I got into turntables post flat earth/Sondek - I was prejudiced against Linn decks. I heard one kitted out in FunkFirm mods and it was superb. Likewise we have lovers of Idlers, again - heard a nice Lenco and again impressed - I can see the appeal. The list goes on with things like active speakers, single ended flea powered amps, etc...
I find that speaking to the people who get and use such items helps one expand ones understanding of products out there, and what may effectively improve your system, or even appreciation of music.
I personally never understood imaging until I heard some Avante Garde Horns fronting a GT Audio amp and DPS turntable.