How many grams weight for mm cartridge?

I have Denon dp-45f TT with MM cartirdge. What is ideal standard weight I should start with? It came with 1.7 grams but I remember my father used to use only .5 gram for his TT. Please enlighten me...


I too agree that the manufacturers specs should be adhered to, but nandric brings up an interesting point. One that I had not really though about before. Suspension wear over a long period of time, if indeed, one continues to use their respective cartridges over many years.

Food for thought indeed

The Grace f8-L’10 is also rated for .5 - 2.5g, along with other f8 carts. Below is a link to a Japanese sales brochure with the numbers clearly visible. This does not mean it’s the recommended VTF, only it’s possible range. In the owners manual it states the .5g is for perfectly flat discs, and the recommended setting is 1.5g.

The f8-c is rated .5 - 1.5 with a recommended 1.2g 

These carts were of course designed for arms like the Grace G707 and Infinity Black Widow, and why I'm currently using one.

Dear @kingshead : You are right, I was thinking only in the F9 series.

Regards and enjoy the music,
The F9 is a great cartridge based on the F8 actually, improved and modified to work on a much wider variety of arms. That said, the F8 is a fantastic cartridge in its own right, and the better choice if installing on the above mentioned Black Widow or Grace arms due to its more suitable compliance.

The F8-C especially so, and in attempting to procure one ended up with the L'10 instead and now a happy camper. There's something to be said for using the cartridge actually designed to go on the arm you're using, and both designed and manufactured by the same company.

I can say it was a real ear opener lol.

As i can see in the japanese brochure linked by Marin, the most advanced stylus profile in Grace F-8 series and later in Grace F-9 series is F-8F and F-9F stylus profile (Navy Color). Always the most expensive and hard to find nowadays. I wonder why nobody tried and reported about it in "MM thread".

I have great result using Grace cartridges on Luxman TA-1 tonearm made by Misco Seiki for Luxman. The build quality of this arm is superb and much better that Black Widow tonearm.

P.S. Raul, i have not tried 0,5g tracking force with my Grace carts, i think it's too low. I have never use less than 1g. The lowest tracking force i have ever used was between 1g - 1,25g with my Technics EPC 100Cmk3 and 205Cmk4 cartridges.