Recommend a Cable/Interconnect Set

I know this issue stirs controversy and can spark "vigorous dissent" (understatement), but I was looking for some recommendations on both speaker cables and interconnects for my system.

Can you guys suggest a modestly priced but high performance set of cables? I know 'modestly' covers a lot of ground, so what would be extremely helpful is some sort of "buyer's guide" to offer insight on what characteristics to look for, how to decide what you need, and how to set a budget so that I, and others reading on or those new to this pastime, can make a more informed decision.

Though I subscribe to the basic premise that the more you spend, the better it gets, I also know there is also a point of diminishing returns on the price:performance curve.

My equipment is:
HiFiBerry DAC
Krell KRC-3
Bryston 4BST
Dahlquist DQ10* (see below)
Polk PSW650

Right now, I have Monster XPHP going to the speakers, and an old set of Monster interconnects from the DAC to the Krell. Lengths for interconnects can be as short as 1.5 or 2 feet, since all my electronics are together, out in the open, and accessible from behind.

So, I figure I'll need:
1x Balanced (Krell to Bryston)
2x RCA (one for the DAC to Krell, the other Krell to PSW)
1 set speaker cables ~8-10 ft

Hit me. I'm all ears. Those of you who have indluged me in other similar questions of this type (i.e. power amp, preamp) know I take your input seriously and act on it, so this isn't just an exercise.

Thanks in advance for all your help!

(* - At some point in the future, I hope to buy a set of CLSII's, so kindly factor that into the recommendation since it doesn't make sense to buy a set of cables and find they're not up to the task down the road)
@soix What exit?  LOL.  I've been from Bergen in the North to Ocean and a brief stint in Cape May (Wildwood) for nine months before moving to PA.

I'm beginning to seriously incline to pre-owned, for the reasons you suggest, for the same reason I chose the Krell as opposed to a Tortuga... if I don't like it, I can 'flip it' and not lose much, if anything at all.  There's some wisdom there.

What do y'all think about XLO?  There's a balanced set on Ebay right now for $200-ish the pair.  Not sure if that's a good cable or a good price.  Your thoughts?

@inna Your point about starting from the source and gonig to speakers is the kind of advice I was looking for.  Basic principles, basic concepts, are what are helpful to me.  Case in point, I figured since the speakers would be the weakest link in the chain that I'd start with the speaker cables first and work backwards.  Go figure.
I just bought some new Dynaudio Contour S3.4 speakers with an upgraded Esotec tweeter set. They are much more revealing than my Harbeths which were bi-wired with Purist Audio Museaus speaker cables. The Purist spades will have to be bent to fit the Dynaudios and, ideally, I would switch out the other set of spades with bananas. That will cost, choke, $35 for EACH banana, or $140. In the meantime I'm using an old pair of Signal cables and then I borrowed some Kimber 12tc cables from a friend. Since they are bananas and my Luxman has A and B speaker terminals, I can literally switch A and B to compare. I can't tell the difference. Is that because the Kimber isn't significantly better? Or are the Signal cables really good? My long-winded takeaway is don't buy something because you think you'll find some cables that magically make everything sound optimum. It won't. I'd buy some Signal cables or Bluejean, and then find something that actually sounds better in your system. It might take 10x the cost. 
I'm beginning to seriously incline to pre-owned, for the reasons you suggest, for the same reason I chose the Krell as opposed to a Tortuga... if I don't like it, I can 'flip it' and not lose much, if anything at all. There's some wisdom there.

Really the only way to go, IMHO. I've gone through dozens of cable manufacturers in the last 30+ years, and the only way to really know what you like is to listen to it for yourself in your own room, with your own gear.

Buying used you can be pretty sure they are already burned in too. Don't like 'em? Flip 'em.

What do y'all think about XLO? There's a balanced set on Ebay right now for $200-ish the pair. Not sure if that's a good cable or a good price. Your thoughts?
XLO are nice cables, powerful, clean sounding. Personally, I like the Acoustic Zen a bit better, a touch more warmth and sound-stage depth, but it really depends on what you like, not what someone else likes.

Also, a word of warning, be careful when buying used cables on Ebay, many fake cables out there coming from China. XLO has had problems with this, and has resorted to putting holograms on some of their pricier cables. XLO is not alone, Audioquest, Tara Labs, many good cable manufacturers have been fighting the fake cable battle for years now.
Ebay is a hotbed for cable fraud.
Signal cable!  Crazy good and crazy cheap.  Call Frank Dai and get a 30 day trial.  
I would never buy cables on ebay unless it is a legitimate dealer who also sells elsewhere. Some people may not even know that they are selling fakes, it is not always intentional. Ebay is world's biggest flea market, not a good place for buying audiophile stuff.