Can someone recommend a few Joni Michell albums?

Can someone recommend me a few Joni Michell album to get? Since she has made so many albums in the past it seems impossible from where to start? Even a few words regarding the recommended albums are most welcome.... your help is most appreciated. Thank you.
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One idea is to start at the beginning - Song to a Seagull.  Just Joni and her guitar.  Unfortunately, it's poorly recorded, but - in many ways - it's the most essential record she's made.  Blue, Hejira and Court, and Spark are all great, too.
Indeed Song to a Seagull is wonderful music. Agree with Martykl on the sound quality. We can blame David Crosby for that (-: If forced to live with only 3, I would likely chose Ladies, For the Roses, and Hejira. But I'm glad I get to keep Blue, Seagull, and Court. As much as I like all of these, I am sitting on a sealed copy of Hissing that I haven't opened for years. I can be strange like that.