Subwoofer with Thiel 2.4s?

Hi all, I'm in the process of building a new system and am considering adding a sub to my Thiel system. I'd love to get one of the Smart Subs, but they're just too damn expensive to fit into the budget. Any opinions on the other alternatives? Although I do use the system for TV and occasional movies, I'm really only interested in 2 channel.

I've read good things about the REL Strata III, but would like to hear other's opinions on the available < $1000 (used) options.
Well, I picked up a REL Storm III. My plan was to use it as a high quality "hold-over" until another appropriately priced Thiel USS/SS1 comes up. I'll comment on the sound when I get the REL in later this week... and will update the thread if I end up comparing it to a Thiel Smart Sub.

Hopefully adding those final low frequencies to the Thiel 2.4/ Pass INT-30A combination will allow me to focus on buying new music...
I have to say that I'm extremely impressed with what this sub did to my system. Like others have commented, adding the sub opens up the soundstage and adds depth to pretty much all the music I listen to. I also watched Salt and listened to Tupac's All Eyes on Me, and the sub really made up for the previous bass deficiencies that had made these types of material feel flat and lifeless before the sub. Yesterday was really the first time I've been fully satisfied with the stereo since beginning the upgrades in December. I may eventually upgrade to a Thiel sub just because of the Thiel main speakers, but honestly, the REl does integrate very well. Sounds great.
The smartsub was designed to accompany model SCS4 monitor speakers.
A REL sub is very fine for any of the Thiel floor-standers.
^ There were different smart sub offerings that could adjusted various Thiel models. Thiel stopped making true full range speakers after the CS 5i's and the subs were necessary for those  wanting all that might exist in and on their music collections, if of course they had the room and budget to accommodate them.
 I love the strata 3 ,IMO its superior to the storm models which  I have owned and never liked...Easier to integrate and much quicker.Im running a Rel strata with a pair of sc1.2s as a third system with great results