Any options for low power class A amps?

Okay, I do most of my music listening at work because of time constraints.  I have a nice desk system that includes some 4" Fostex full range speakers, an Olasonic dac, an Olasonic cd transport, and an integrated Olasonic amp/dac.  I have nothing but good things to say for Olasonic however I would like to add better amplification.  I am looking for a small solid state amplifier that is pure class A in the 5 to 10 watts range.  The only ones that I have found have a higher power rating and are huge or are A/B amps that are biased slightly higher.  I don't know if anyone makes class A amps in this power rating.  If you know of any I would greatly appreciate your help.  I have tried headphone amps that are pure class A that results in an improvement but the impact is not there due to power and impedance matching of speakers in comparison to headphones.  The Fostex drivers I am using are 16 ohms btw.  Thanks.
Amp camp amp ACA from Nelson pass, as diy kit + 2nd hand market

Valvet e1r

also look at TPA3116 or 3118 chip amps - fleawatt is a good source

If if you have the money go for the microzotl2.0 deluxe 
Audioman ;
Assuming your reason for asking about Class A is to get clear,clean sound with great low level resolution and good soundstaging , I suggest you look into the Class D Audio SDS power amps . Most Class A run hot , either solid state or tubes, and these do not. They are also a small form factor and very affordable , IMO . I tried one after my 2A3 SET amps and found the sound nearly identical , except better in all regards and also with NO hum or noticeable distortion . None are as low-powered as you mentioned , but they are very energy efficient and you can use as much or little of the available power as needed by turning the volume control of your control amp . This is their lowest powered amp in their best series ;   Read their " Testimomials "
Since tube amps are now being considered, I'd be remiss if I didn't offer up my own project as consideration:

Although primarily a kit, I do offer them pre-built for those who don't want to assemble it on their own. I used it on the Madisound based BK-16 kit which featured Fostex drivers, and it worked wonderfully.
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Thank you for all of the recommendations, I have learned a lot.  I really like the idea of the Amp Camp amp from Nelson Pass kit although the power supplies would be replaced by dedicated linear ones.  

I have designed and built small headphone amps in the past but have been thinking about getting into power amplifiers.