ELO and the search for SQ

I like ELO's music! But the quality of my 3 cd compilation of their music (Afterglow) has always disappointed.  The recordings are really lackluster. Then I came across an ELO song on a 70's compilation cd and it was gorgeous - clean and detailed and dynamic. So now I'm on the hunt for quality recordings of their music. Even though I have a VPI Classic 3, my preference is to go digital (I'm getting lazy). Will the digital downloads from HDtracks or Acoustic Sounds give me the SQ I'm looking for? Are the 192/24 downloads worth the extra expense over the 96/24 downloads?  

Well, I cannot answer for you the obvious questions regarding room, acoustics and so on.

I am currently listening with my Classic3 Sig. SE and on "OOTB" US  (lp) pressing, it sounds wonderful!

What struck me when I first put this lp on my Classic 3 was how WIDE the soundstage is, (the non-digital glare), the PRAT is outstanding!

I suggest you look elsewhere within your system for any faults.

I recall reading a previous post of yours regarding acoustic treatments. You posted at that time you have your system set up in a corner of your room.

I'd suggest you start to examine this sort of system placement before any kind of cd vs.lp war.

Good luck.
you're never going to be able to hear what that TT can retrieve from your lps until you provide it's proper placement and associated gear, IE: acoustic treatments, speaker placement.......