Bill Chinook / Bruce Springsteen

Has anyone ever heard Bruce Springsteen mention Bill Chinook? Bill was a "founder" of early E Street Band w/ some members joining up w/ Bruce's band. He was making that Asbury sound before Bruce, but I have never heard "the Boss" mention him. I may be partial to him because he settled up here in Maine way back in the 1970's and played often in the bars and dance halls. And released a couple excellent albums, Dime Store Heroes is one of my favorites.
The members were/are Danny Federici on organ, Vini Lopez on drums and Garry talent on bass.
"Born in the USA" invalidates any discussion of Springsteen.  Too bad, I saw him at college when he was playing with a brass band.  So many good songs starting with Asbury Park and then he had to go write his song of loathing for the country that has allowed him to live in an environment where he could achieve such success.  Pathetic

To interpret an honest critique of the country's shortcomings as loathing for the country does a disservice to the ideals we hold as what makes our country unique in this world. I was in the service during the Vietnam War and Born in the USA spoke to my generation in a way that represented the feelings of a great many of us. What I found pathetic was the "love it or leave it" mentality that existed during the war.