Tube Amp vs Solid State Amp HELP

So I ordered a pair of Dali Zensor 1's. As of now I am using my friend's Jolida FX10 tube amp, which he has offered to sell to me. Should I purchase his tube amp or get a Cambridge Azur 351A? Only problem with the Jolida is that it's not very powerful; however, right now it's paired with his Klipsch speakers and it's plenty loud for my room/house. I don't have any reason to push it too much. Input would be much appreciated.

Yeah…weird choices, and that FX10 is really only useful with very efficient speakers, although it's a nice inexpensive amp. As a tube aficionado I can easily recommend a higher powered Jolida integrated as they're fun, sound great, and you can't spend much on 'em as they're mostly a bargain.
The Stereophile measurements indicate a min of 5 ohms and low phase angles with a measured sensitivity of 88db for the Zensor 1.  They rated it as an easy load for the partnering amp.  I would definitely go for a tube amp.  Thirty to forty tube watts should be plenty.