Well, adding significantly to the bottom end in this case, seems to have made a difference. I notice in my post I say "96 dB". I meant 95 Hz. So the Rel is now adding some serious bottom end below 100 Hz, and I perceive that the highs have settled down a bit. A fuller sound from top to bottom.
That whole neutrality thing is interesting. I see Psag's point, and I originally set up my rig to be neutral. But there is equal validity in having a sound that works with my ears and makes me enjoy my listening experience. I feel like I've been listening to the gear more than my music. So...I returned the KEF 104/2s today, and I'm going to give my old rig a new listen.
That whole neutrality thing is interesting. I see Psag's point, and I originally set up my rig to be neutral. But there is equal validity in having a sound that works with my ears and makes me enjoy my listening experience. I feel like I've been listening to the gear more than my music. So...I returned the KEF 104/2s today, and I'm going to give my old rig a new listen.