Rogue Sphinx v Nakamichi PA 5 MMKII and a preamp

I am trying to decide between used items for around the same price  A Rogue Sphinx V1  with remote verses a Nak PA 5 MK II and maybe an NAD or Rotel preamp with remote.  The integrated would be easy but will it sound better then the separates >  Both can drive my big old Infinity's  but I am guessing the NAK  amp will more current
The Nak is a nice amp and with a really nice preamp probably going to outclass the Rogue, but with a NAD or Rotel preamp I’d lean back to the Rogue. I personally haven’t heard the PA 5 MKII, but knew the PA 5 well. Nothing wrong with Rogue either, but yes the Nak is going to grab your Infinity’s better. You throw a preamp like a ModWright SWL 9.0 SE on that Nak and it’s another story. The Nak is an easy amp to modify too.
Go with the Rogue. The Nakamichi is a 30 year old amp and they been out of the Audio business for years. Rogue is only a phone call away if you ever need service!
I got the Rogue  Great anp but does not seem to be a good match. Very dark with a rolled off top end.  Tubes big surprise.  Switched back to the Yamaha  M4 and CX 800U and it was like a blanket had been taken off the speakers.  Larger stage more dynamic  yes brighter but way more alive. I kno0w I can change out tubes but not looking to go down that never ending road  The age of a unit does not matter to me.  I find most older gear sounds more musical and with more body verses much of the hyper detailed thin sounding outright weird newer affordable gear.  i hear this from others all the time.